GAM Open-Source Project

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How GAM interacts with Google

GAM is an open source tool. This means anyone can use GAM and anyone can make it better. However it also presents some challenges in allowing admins to securly setup their GAM instance. Google uses projects to provide developrs with Google API quota, credentials, service accounts and client IDs. Because GAM is open source, it's not possible to share one Google project among all GAM users and installations. For this reason when you first install GAM, it walks you through and automates a significant portion of the project creation process. GAM setup automates the following steps with your new project:

Some project setup steps cannot be automated, thus GAM walks you through the following steps:

In order to automate the process of creating a new Google project, GAM needs authorization from your Google user to make the API calls necessary for the above steps. To do this, GAM prompts you to approve temporary (1 hour) access to make changes to your Google Acconts Cloud Platform projects and settings. GAM uses a single, special Google project (owned and managed by Jay Lee to authorize and perform the above actions. This is a short-lived authorization and is not stored anywhere other than in memory, once you stop the GAM process the authorization is lost and Google expires it on it's end after one hour. Once you've completed the above GAM setup, you are ready to give your new Google project access to your G Suite admin user and G Suite instance. There are two pices to cover here:

At the end of all this setup, you are left with three files which you should keep secure:

If you have further questions about how GAM is setup, what you are granting GAM access to and how GAM manages your data, please reach out on the GAM mailing list.